The famous Norwegian artist Knut Rumohr (1916-2002) grew up in the main manor house in Frønningen.
Knut Rumohr is best-known for his abstract art, often with vibrant colours and inspired by the nature of Norway’s West Coast. His artwork comprised both paintings and graphics, as well as some other decorations and objects. His early artwork primarily consisted of woodcut prints in black and white, later in colours. Due to issues with his health, he had to pass from graphics on to paintings, as he could not go on making woodcut prints. He later took up lithography, which constituted a significant part of his work until the mid-1990’s. He continued painting until 1998 when he, due to health-related issues, had to give it up.
There are many traces of the life and work of Knut Rumohr at Frønningen, which you can experience on special request.